Here are the steps for app2nandFor experts only!This steps do:
- formatting nand to ext2
- creating app2nand directory structure
- copying apps to nand
- installing init scripts
- changing /init.rc (reflashing boot image with modified init.rc)
After installing app2nand do not mount Internal to USB, do not mount, umount os formta Nand memory from System menu. When you need copy files to or from Nand, use SD card as temporary place.
Based on firmware v1.02.
Do not use with other firmware, including 1.02s!Use at your own risk!My english is not perfect.
If you don't understand me, do not execute this steps.Get latest su and busybox. (Titanium Backup can help this.)
Download this zip file (this is not an!): 3 unzipped files to root directory of SD card.
Connect power adapter to tablet.
Create a full backup (Titanium Backup)
Kill all user apps (with 'kill' command in terminal). (You may need repeat before commands that using '/data/app'.)
Enter this commands in adb terminal:
- Code: Select all
mkdir /sdcard/nandbackup
cp -a /nand/* /sdcard/nandbackup
umount /nand
busybox mkfs.ext2 /dev/block/ndda1
mount -t ext2 /dev/block/ndda1 /nand
cp -a /sdcard/nandbackup* /nand/
mkdir /nand/app2sd
mkdir /nand/app2sd/dalvik-cache
mkdir /nand/app2sd/app
cp -a /data/app/* /nand/app2sd/app
cp /sdcard/ /system/etc
cp /sdcard/ /system/etc
chown root.root /system/etc/
chown root.root /system/etc/
chmod 755 /system/etc/
chmod 755 /system/etc/
flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img
rm /data/dalvik-cache/*
rm /data/app/*
Fingers crossed before reboot.
If tablet not boot, you can install original firmware from Recovery and reformat Nand from System menu. After format you can backup nand content with 'cp -a /sdcard/nandbackup* /nand/' command from a terminal.
You can use two init scripts to running commands when tablet booting (do not remove commands required by app2nand). runs first (at end of 'on init' section of init.rc), runs later (at end of 'on boot' section on init.rc).
Bugfixes- Sometimes runs before ended and there is no mounted nand to binding directories.
Workaround: Mounting nand removed from New init.rc contains command for mounting nand.
- Some application can't handle Internal memory because of some system properties are not configured correctly.
Workaround: New contains some setprop commands for this system properties.
Installing bugfixDownload the zip file linked above.
Extract 3 files to root directory of SD card.
Follow this steps:
- Code: Select all
cp /sdcard/ /system/etc
cp /sdcard/ /system/etc
chown root.root /system/etc/
chown root.root /system/etc/
chmod 755 /system/etc/
chmod 755 /system/etc/
flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img